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You are the person in charge of this place, click here. Book your trip! Book a hotel. Your AirBnB accommodation. Holydays rental. Travel on demand. Book a table. Find an activity. Other accommodation.

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I discover. Title of my review. Your picture must respect the maximum allowed weight of 10 MB Add pictures. My ratings Value for money. I certify that this notice reflects my own experience and authentic opinion of this place, that I am not personally or professionally related to this company and that I have not received any financial or other compensation from this company for writing this review.

I also certify that I am the holder of the rights to the proposed media. Submit my opinion. To submit your review you must login. Log in Registration. Go back. I would like to receive the newsletters from petitfute. I would like to receive exclusive offers from petitfute. Passengers on board the S. Conte Biancamano, August Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier I felt like a small grain of sand washed up on the shores, with many thousands of others. Many had stories, similar to mine, coming for refuge and with high hopes, to Canada. Fortunately my story has a happy ending.

Baltic refugees on board the Parnu.

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One of my funniest memories," Bette continued, "was the day we landed at Halifax. We were so eager to get off the boat but they told us that the train had already left. When we finally departed, every time the train stopped we all jumped off and mailed letters to our husbands to let them know we were coming. We thought the letter would arrive the next day same as in Britain! We had no idea. Pier 21, , by photographer Ken Elliot. Life is hard for newcomers in Canada, but we enjoy every minute we spend together here. Now we have a lot of friends and we are helping new immigrants with their adaptation in Vancouver.

We were lead to other tables and received our fist nourishment on Canadian soil. Many were still seasick and the texture of the nourishment did not help. Compared to European wieners, the hot dogs were tasteless and the mustard too sweet. Along with the hot dog came a slice of white, square pieces of tasteless sponge. All of us, used to European rye bread or white rolls, did not recognize it as a standard Canadian bread.

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In , over sixty years ago, Canadian representatives of the Immigration and Employment Department came to Malta to select young tradesmen to immigrate to Canada. I, Lewis Borg, was one of the select to immigrate. It is okay to cry. Missing home is normal. Matt Evans Halifax, NS.

We have had a wonderful life in this country.

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My brothers and sisters join me in saying, Thank you Canada - definitely the land of opportunity! Refugees from the S. Origins Unknown. Saturnia, April I am so happy to live in Canada, in Halifax, Thank you! We were grateful for the roof over our heads and no one complained….

It was during the Hungarian Revolution, and the fled with the clothes on their backs. They built a family here with many happy times. I have no recollection of the trip over, but one bit of definite feedback I got years to come was of the Cotton Bread Pumpulileipa , as a reference to the unbelievably fluty texture of the white Canadian bread. It takes a lot of humility. I invite you to find refuge in love, and share who you are.

I immigrated with my family my dad, mom, and two brothers , we all were thrilled and amazed by the green beautiful nature of Halifax upon the landing of the plane.

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It was the best day of our lives, our reasons for immigrating were many but mostly, a home! We were looking for a place to settle in a safe, friendly and peaceful place to call home, I'm glad that place was Canada for us.

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My brother still talks about the wonderful soft white bread buns that were served — they were so delicious. In we bought our first house in West Vancouver. While we sailed away from Ireland I stood at the stern of the ship and watched Ireland disappear over the horizon, a sad moment. During the crossing of the North Atlantic, I was standing at the rail of the ship with an old English fellow, who was a farmer from Saskatchewan returning home to Canada he had emigrated many years before we were looking out over the water and that's all you could see in any direction.

I said to him "boy that's a lot of water" and he said "yeah and that's only the top. Queen Frederica, March Image courtesy of the Brana family. We feel lucky that they are all growing up in the most wonderful country in the world. I will always remember where I came from but it is who I am now that matters. I would bring my family because they mean a lot to me. What I remember most about the trip is the dolphins following the ship, there was so many of them.

One day I was on deck looking over the side when one the ship crew who was on the bow called over to me. The area was roped off, but he said it was ok to come and see. You could see all the dolphins missing the bow by inches, maybe leading our ship not following us to the new land, I wondered what was waiting for us on the other side. I give thanks for Canada because Canada helped me and family to start life again and also thanks to everyone who helped the Syrian people to stop bloodshed.

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I hope with all my heart to live in Canada lasting peace and getting stronger ever time. Mohammad October 13, We are grateful and thankful that we immigrated to Canada. If we had stayed in post-war Europe, none of us would have had the opportunities that Canada offered. As soon as it was legally possible, we became Canadians. Canada became our country and we love Canada.

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I came to Canada from Brazil when I was 5 years old. I remember I had to leave all my xmas gifts and friends behind in Rio. It was very hard. Also, we arrived in winter and found it hard to breath the cold air. I had to teach myself how to inhale short breaths to be able to take in the cold!

Our agreed time to work and save as a family was up. I began saving for my wedding. We have had our share of sorrows, but also lots of joy. Life has been wonderful here in this marvelous country. I am thankful and grateful that I have had the opportunity to live here. Canada, in my opinion, the greatest country and the most generous, fine people to be found.

Adjusting to life in Canada was a bit challenging in the first couple of months but I soon started meeting people and learning about the culture, going to university and being part of the community,. Fortunately, my story has a happy ending.