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The pamphlets will be sourced from official publications supplied by the Department of Health and the National Institute for Communicable Diseases. The NDA has assessed the provision of hot meals and determined that the capacity for government to do so is not enough. When you call it, you reach a voicemail service stating that the mailbox is full. The WhatsApp line is switched off and no information comes through.

She asked the Department if they were aware of this and what was being done to rectify it. Ms van der Merwe said that councillors are charging R5 for deliveries of food parcels or diverting parcels to their home for distribution. Food parcels need to be distributed using another system. Going forward, will food parcels be standardised? This could limit corruption. There was chaos at grant payment stations and people were not adhering to social distancing guidelines.

What measures will be in place for the next payment date? She asked what the criteria are for the R Social Relief Grant. What oversight has DSD performed and what are their thoughts on this shelter? Sanitary pads are usually donated to women and young girls at CNDCs. Ms B Masango DA said that it had come to her attention that some councillors were charging people R3 to fill in forms for social relief applications. She asked for the timeline for the new grant and when will the applications open.

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According to the DSD presentation, 58 households received food parcels. How was this number determined? The move away from food parcels to e-vouchers is welcomed as this would curb corruption. What measures are being used to stop people from double dipping? This matter should not be left at that, it needs to be researched. People are in their homes with their abusers, thus cannot make calls.

How can these people alert authorities? Cash transfers and e-vouchers were mentioned, how will people apply for these and what are the time frames? Many homeless people struggle with drug addiction.

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Do they have medical access in homeless shelters when experiencing withdrawal symptoms? Is there a post-lockdown plan for continued rehabilitation of these people? What progress has DSD made in registering new births as new mothers are unable to register their babies for grants? The Social Relief Grant is welcomed; however, it should go beyond six months.

What is being done for children that are dependent on nutrition programmes at schools now that Early Childhood Development ECD programmes are closed? Ms A Abrahams DA stated that there is a need for updated data in the presentation as some slides refer to data relevant up to 1 April whereas the date is currently 23 April Some provinces have reached only a little over households with food parcels, this is unacceptable. It would thus be beneficial for the MECs of each province to join the next Committee meeting to account for what is happening in their province as they are responsible for implementation.

She agreed that COVID19 social relief will be needed for longer than six months as the effects of the virus and lockdown will be felt for subsequent months. The Social Income Grant has been recommended by committees since and again in , what is the DSD response to these recommendations in wake of this pandemic? Security personnel are arresting people that are volunteering by providing cooked meals.

There are 6 ways to get from Port Elizabeth to Butterworth by bus, car or plane

What is being done about this? People showed up at pay points on days other than their allocated date, how are people notified that their grants will not be available other than on the day they were told to collect? How is the lockdown affecting the foster care backlog? Communication channels between the Committee and DSD need to improve as the Members of the Committee are expected to have reliable information that they can convey to the public.

He asked what measures are in place to ensure the May payments will run smoothly. He echoed the need for further research on GBV in lockdown. The fight against GBV does not end just because the country is under lockdown. Post-lockdown, homeless people need continued support. Mr R Mackenzie DA; Western Cape stated that the money set aside for food parcels will be insufficient as much of it will go to operational costs such as transport and security.

Thus, food vouchers are a better option. Girls that received sanitary wear from initiatives carried out at school need to be provided with sanitary wear in lockdown. Ms T Mphambo-Sibhukwana DA asked if families accommodated in temporary shelters will still have this support post-lockdown, especially for children.

Butterworth man sentenced to 18 years for raping stepdaughter

How is the quality of food being assessed? It has been reported that some food parcels were outdated. What mechanisms are in place for delivery of food parcels and other assistance? There is a lack of oversight especially in places such as the Northern Cape, how is DSD ensuring that people needing assistance in these areas are getting it? Mr E Nchabeleng ANC, Limpopo stated that everyone within the South African border requires government assistance regardless of their country of origin.

We need to share our resources with them and ensure nobody goes hungry. People who are inflating the prices of goods need to feel the full wrath of the law. There are a number of lessons to be learnt. There is a clear bottom up strategy but there needs to be a top down strategy as well. There needs to be joint oversight in different provinces to oversee the implantation of the interventions of DSD.

She asked that SASSA please indicate what scale-up of operations is occurring other than the call centres adding additional lines. There is a huge number of fraud cases being reported. What monitoring and evaluation protocols are being carried out in provinces?

What is the distribution model, who does it and who are the implementing agents? People do not know where to turn for information. There needs to be a strategy to improve communications with the public as well as to Members of the Committee as they are public representatives and are expected to have answers. The missing middle and self-employed people also need assistance. There has been a call by this group for electricity and food. What engagements are being made with banks to further reprieve and relieve the burden of debt? Mr D Stock ANC asked what the NDA is doing to see that people can actively participate in the redevelopment of the economy post-lockdown, so there is a creation of jobs and streamlining of economic development.

Corruption is being heavily reported on social media. He is unsure if this alleged corruption is indeed true. He asked DSD to please clarify the matter. The EFF pushed for the increase of social grants and now we see how much this is actually needed. In the Karoo, 1 food parcels have been distributed.

These food parcels go from Cape Town to George and then are delivered to the Karoo. Why is the procurement not done in the area? The social grants need to be continued post-pandemic. Looting of shops is evidence of how desperate people are. The issue of the Strandfontein Homeless Shelter is urgent. SASSA needs to be open so food parcels are not being distributed by councillors. SASSA has better capacity to do these deliveries as they also have vehicles. Alternatively, food distribution centres can be established in malls across South Africa.

Perhaps loud hailing and community radios can be utilised. She reported that people around her residential area which is a rural mining area in Brits are roaming the streets trying to find a means to get food. These people need to be targeted and assisted. It seems that the homeless people taken to shelters were identified in the big cities and not so much in small cities as she has seen homeless people around her small city roaming the streets.

May DSD provide the Committee with the contact details of people in each district responsible for homeless shelters so that Members can communicate with them directly rather than wait for these meetings to deal with challenge? Activists are making meals for people out of their own pockets and some have been jailed for doing this by breaking the lockdown guidelines. However, these rules need to be relaxed for people providing assistance to communities.

Many communities are disadvantaged due to high levels of unemployment. SASSA offices need to be reopened. She noted the case in Butterworth, Eastern Cape. Ms M Gillion Western Cape asked about monitoring and evaluation for local municipalities not implementing the measures for homeless people. She emphasised that playing politics needs to end. DSD needs to look into providing baby formula for mothers and caregivers of infants. All shelters are encouraged to send people to hospital when experiencing withdrawals.

DSD is in the progress of creating norms and standards to guide municipalities in running these facilities correctly in a uniform fashion. DSD is aware of the Strandfontein homeless shelter and the Western Cape government has been contacted on this.

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