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I'd also recommend if to get your schooling for your daughters sorted as soon as possible. There are a couple of very active facebook groups focused on school issues for both local and international options, depending on what you are looking for, if you have any questions: … … Other than that, and the previously mentioned space constraints , HK is a pretty easy place to get by in. Considering a move to HK with my husbands job.

Glad to say that every meeting came up trumps, people are more available and keen to meet, the talent pool is definitely more competitive here but that said good people are wanted foremost so if you have a good pitch then get over here. I have tried learning Mandarin but not had to use it at all since being here. Predominantly English, Cantonese then Mandarin. Let me know if you want more information.

My Life as an American Expat Living in Luanda Angola

First thing to be warned of - it is eye wateringly more expensive here, starting with your accommodation!!! Truth be told my wife and I miss aspects of Shanghai but life and opportunities are definitely better here. Happy to help, let me know if you have any other questions. HK is soul-less. I actually quite agree with you.

I lived in Russia for a couple of years and people there are famous for being cold and not too friendly to foreigners, but once they open up, the Russians I knew were all amazing and very helpful and friendly. Hi Patrick! I could give you only one advice. Try to search web for some opportunities.

Maybe you could give onlile advices like … or similar. Try to find your job trew the internet Living Tips: Spending in Hong Kong. Hello, Geoffrey! Thank you for your message. As this was my post in last year, the market of electronic payment has already gone forth a lot and many competitors appear. To your question, sure I can give you fourth and even more choices where accept Apple Pay in this right time.

Alright, wish you have a good coming week!

Cheers, Jonathan C, an original from HK. Preparing to move to Hong Kong Just discovered that thread I guess you need an immigration consultant to provide solid answers to your questions. General descriptions or introduction to HK's various areas may only give an idea.

Suggest you sort out three core things prior to the tedious considerations of insurance and taxi fares. First, businesses or jobs that would enable you and your spouse to survive in HK professionally and financially. Second, choices of affordable schools for your kid. Please locate international schools info. Third, a place to live.

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You will be able to narrow down your choices once the work and school locations are fixed, but basically it is all about money. High class ones you may choose Repulse Bay, Stanley Bay houses. To live, to study or to work happily, find a destination which gives your family no or the least burden in the pocket, thoughts and time. If not, why move away from where you are? Setting up a tutoring business - need tips. Hi I can suggest. How to prepare non english speaking kid for school.

One of the amazing thing in Hong Kong is, that we include and well-mix with different cultures giving a very good environment to many kinds of people in the world. For the education for a kid from a German family, there are always choices here. They have German Stream from Kindergarten to Secondary and English Stream Kindergarten to Primary , which allow your kid to grasp the languages German and English with good support of study environment and teachers and classmates together. I give this piece of information only for your reference, hoping it can remove your worries when coming to Hong Kong.

I understand there may be other good choices, which may be provided by more well-informed sources. Learn Mandarin - The Most Effective way. Very good, hope you guys can learn well. I am a Chinese Mandarin teacher, feel free to ask questions when you get stuck. My Best :. Pollution and Hong Kong. Hi Erik, While Hong Kong's air quality is certainly not great by any stretch of imagination, it has taken massive steps implementing measures that clean the air and harbour over the years.

This has included reducing the number of motor vehicles on roads, ensuring that all taxis run LPG, and changing buses and other vehicles to those that are more environmentally friendly. You can read more about some of these initiatives here: … Air Quality Health Index Hong Kong official page: … We have some serious pollution days when the wind direction blows pollutants parts of China, but these days aren't as many as there used to be - as there's a growing shift and focus on Air Pollution in the Guangdong region.

Sure, air quality is not as good as in Europe, but it is improving contrary to what environmentalists and conservationists would say as not doing enough- it's always great to push for more quality. If you are seriously worried for the kids, living in Stanley would have better air. Some might find this relatively surprising as a statistic: … … Hong Kong also has the highest life expectancy in the world - average age around If this was such a bad city, people would not be living as long.

There are things that you could do to prevent if you are afraid to go out: 1 Have an air purifier at home 2 Wear a face mask in days of high air pollution. The air pollution does not stop kids from living a normal life and on a normal basis, it ranges from low-mid on the scale, with the occasional high and a multitude of pollutants are well monitored.

Mississippi madness: expat life in America's weirdest state

This is not Delhi or Beijing, though it's also not Auckland or Vancouver. I'd say come to Hong Kong, see how your kids are doing, and if they are not doing well or develop significant symptoms, then move back. These symptoms may not be due to Hong Kong, but weakness in the individual children themselves. Hope the above helps!

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It has over … monthly in 8 universities and secondary schools. Hence we are now looking for expat parents and their children to do an interview, to talk about their experiences in searching international schools in Hong Kong. Below are some of the key points of the interview. Is there any difficulties for you to get into international schools in Hong Kong? Do you think the places of international schools are sufficient?

If the places of international schools are insufficient, will this deter foreign talents from coming to Hong Kong? What do you think can be done to allow more foreign students to get a place in international schools in Hong Kong? It would be best for us to have a face-to-face interview before 21th November …. I understand the power of representation and I simply want to show others that if I can do it, you can do it too.

You can live the life of your dreams and simultaneously empower your community as well. Rocco: Over the last 3 years of traveling, my social media following has constantly asked me to host a group trip. My response has always been no. However, I recently organized and released the details for my first group trip that will be taking place at the end of It will include a mansion, horseback riding on white-sand beaches and snorkeling.

You can find all the details on my website as well. Apart from that, I will continue to add passport stamps until the Man above calls me home. Rocco: My website: www. Photo Credit: Photo courtesy of Rocco Brown. Written on April 18th, It was a wonderful experience.

Language selection

Saw a lot during those 12 days without having to worry about accommodation.